Granting MemberPress Members with Unique Discounts on Your Wooommerce Shop Products

Integrating MemberPress and WooCommerce can be highly beneficial to both you and your members. If you are not yet familiar with our new integration plugin for MemberPress and WooCommerce , that allows you to sell MemberPress memberships via the WooCommerce platforms, you can check the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus in this link. The Main Benefits of …

Introduction to the Powerful MemberPress & WooCommerce Integration Plugin – MemberPress WooCommerce Plus

If you are using both MemberPress and WooCommerce platforms, you are probably searching for a way to sell MemberPress memberships through your WooCommerce shop, just as you sell all other products. Well, using the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus plugin you can achieve exactly that! Integrating these 2 powerful platforms will increase your sales and revenues significantly! …

4 Reasons Why You Should Grant Members-Only Discounts on Your Products & Merchandise

If you have a membership site & an eCommerce shop then you are probably leaving money on the table… You probably already know that you can grant coupons and time-limited discounts to attract more customers. But have you ever considered granting unique discounts only to members who are registered to your membership site? This means …

4 Good Reasons Why You Should Separate Your Membership Site from Your eCommerce Shop

Integrating your membership site with an eCommerce shop is probably one of the smartest things you can do if you want to increase your earnings. Selling membership products, and even granting unique members-only discounts will have an immediate impact over your overall sales and revenues. We at HappyPlugins have developed powerful integration plugins for WishList …

MemberPress WooCommerce Plus – New Integration Plugin for MemberPress & WooCommerce Coming Soon + Special Early-Bird Discount

We know you have been waiting for this plugin for a very long time… And we are happy to announce that MemberPress WooCommerce Plus is in its final development and testing and it will be released in the next couple of weeks. Scroll down to the end of the post for our special early-bird discount… …