Can I change Wishlist Member’s content protection status automatically?

Amy’s Question: Can I change my contents’ protection status automatically (for example: from un-protected to protected or from one membership level to another)? HappyPlugins Support Answer: YES!!! Using Wishlist Auto Protect Pro you can easily achieve that! The plugin allows you to change the protection settings anyway you want!! From > To: Unprotected > Protected …

Automatic Registration to Wishlist Member when using ClickBank Payment Gateway – Is it Possible?

Steve’s Question: “What I want to achieve is this: 1) Person makes a ClickBank purchase using my affiliate link 2) After purchasing the clickbank product, they are automatically added to a Wishlist Member level on my website where they get bonus products. Is it possible?” HappyPlugins Support Answer: The short answer for the question is …

Can Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus plugin be used to subscribe members to a free membership level?

Kyle’s Question: “Can Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus plugin be used to subscribe members to a free membership level? If yes, is it just as simple as setting the product price to £0?” HappyPlugins Support Answer: YES!!! It’s possible. When using WooCommerce to sell your membership levels the only price that is important is the product …

Does the VAT get automatically calculated per country when using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus plugin?

Laura’s Question: “Does the VAT get automatically calculated per country and purchase using this plugin? I am from the european union and need this feature. If so, do you have a video demonstrating how this works? I use Wishlist Member + Stripe. Is it possible to add a pay by installments option with will take …