Let’s say you have an online shop using WooCommerce and you sell your brand’s merchandise, for example: Shirts, cups, calendars etc.
Now let’s say you want to boost the sales of the merchandise you sell and increase your revenues.
What if we told you there is a very simple way you can:
- Increase your online shop’s sales and revenues
- Increase brand awareness and loyalty
By offering your Wishlist Members special discounts on your Woo products, not only brands BTW, you can achieve more sales your shop’s sales and revenues significantly.
How You Can Grant Your Wishlist Members Discounts on Your WooCommerce Products?
If you have already integrated WishList Member with WooCommerce then you only need our Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts plugin to set the relevant discount per membership level and that’s it!
If you have not yet integrated Wishlist Member & WooCommerce, you can do it using Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus.
Check how simple it is to set the members’ discount for Woo product in the plugin’s settings:

Now every time a member of the Basic level will access that Woo product, he will see the discounted price.
Here is the product with the regular price:

If the Basic level member will access the product in your shop, the price will be displayed to him with the calculated discount:

You Can Grant Discounts for Both Free & Paid Memberships
You can grant discounts to ANY membership, no matter whether it is free or paid.
by granting your members with unique discounts you will increase brand loyalty and awareness and also your sales and revenues significantly.
For more information on Wishlist Member WooCommerce Members Discounts plugin
For more information on how to integrate WishList Member & WooCommerce
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