Granting MemberPress Members with Unique Discounts on Your Wooommerce Shop Products

Granting MemberPress Members with Unique Discounts on Your Wooommerce Shop Products

Integrating MemberPress and WooCommerce can be highly beneficial to both you and your members.

If you are not yet familiar with our new integration plugin for MemberPress and WooCommerce , that allows you to sell MemberPress memberships via the WooCommerce platforms, you can check the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus in this link.

The Main Benefits of integrating MemberPress and WooCommerce:

Providing better service for your customers and members

Allow customers to shop for multiple types of products, including MemberPress membership, and get the all in one single purchase process (via the WooCommerce cart checkout)

Encourage customers to purchase more products in addition to the product they planned on purchasing. You can use awesome WooCommerce features to increase the sale’s total price, for example: Volume discounts, dynamic pricing, related products and more!

Increase your sales and revenues significantly!

Providing members only discounts! Using the Membership Discounts Add-On you can grant your MemberPress members with unique discounts on all or some of your WooCommerce products. 

Here are 4 reasons why you should grant Members Only Discount:

Reason #1 – Increase the Registrations to Your Membership Site

You can use this members-only privilege to get special discounts on your products to market your membership site.

For example: “Want to get 20% on all my brand’s merchandise? Register to my membership site and get members-only discounts!”

Reason #2 – Make Your Members Feel Special

By giving your members unique discounts no one else can get you will obviously make them feel special and increase their satisfaction!

And happy members are members who pay over and over again, and are members who recommend others to become members as well.

Reason #3 – Increase Members Engagement and Retention

Purchasing more of your products will lead to more interaction with you.

More interaction with you will lead to more engaged members.

And more engaged members will lead to higher retention rates.

Reason #4 – Increase Your Sales and Revenues

The side effect of all the other reasons are that obviously your sales and revenues will also increase…

So if you are still not granting your members with unique members-only discounts, we hope that this post has convinced you to start 🙂

Membership Discounts Add-On Introduction Video:

More information about the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus and the Membership Discounts Add-On


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