Behind this Website Components

First of all we wanted to say thank you, thank you for all the kind words that you send us to let us know that you are enjoying are products and content.

In many of the emails that we get there is one question that repeat itself many times, many of you want to know what tools and services are we using the manage our this website?

So with without any long intros here is some light reading material for the weekend.


After trying many website hosting services we settled in with hosting.

Our website network is getting a lot of traffic per day and we needed to keep the website speed not matter how traffic we will have.

Currently we are using a cloud server with

  • OS: CentOS 6.4 64bit Server
  • Location: Chicago
  • CPU: 9.6Ghz
  • Ram: 8GB
  • Data: 80GB
  • Server Addons: LightSpeed pro, Varnish cache

In order to not to get into all the technical part we paying full price for full server management and optimizing services.

If you are hosting few websites on the same server then is a good place for you, but if you are hosting just one website then you might want to try managed WordPress hosting like ManageWP.


Altough server are already cloud servers there is still a need for CDN service. In many cases it’s much faster to read from multiple URLs at the same time than from one URL.

We are using MaxCDN with custom CNAME domains for improving our website loading time.

That change only has improved our website loading time by more than 30%.


DNS management is one of the most important thing when it comes to how much time does it take to the web browser to resolve your website DNS.

Using a DNS management services like CloudFlare you can achieve that very quick and easily and almost without any technical knowledge.

CloudFlare has free package if you don’t need SSL on your website.

WordPress Plugins 

This website have many WordPress plugins Installed on, some of them are custom development by our team and many of them are free or commercial products.

Here are the most important ones:

  • WordPress SEO
  • Google Analytics for WordPress
  • Ninja Forms
  • W3 TotalCache
  • Wishlist Member
  • Shortcode Ultimate
  • Floating Social Bar
  • Crayon Syntax Highlighter
  • Save with keyboard

That’s it, this post is cover almost all the components that we use on our website. Our main objective when we have decided to use anyone of the services or product is to give the visitor a better experience while they are using our websites.

You can find a lot of articles overt the internet regarding website loading speed and CDN services and if you want to learn more we should go and read them.

We have managed to find the right solutions for us after a lot of testings in most cases this solution will work for many other website but like we always say every case has in own solution.

Now for the really good part, don’t stop sending us emails, we love getting feedback from our readers. 

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