Offer Your WishList Members Special Discount on Merchandise You Sell via Your Woo Shop & Increase Sales and Brand Loyalty

Let’s say you have an online shop using WooCommerce and you sell your brand’s merchandise, for example: Shirts, cups, calendars etc. Now let’s say you want to boost the sales of the merchandise you sell and increase your revenues. What if we told you there is a very simple way you can: Increase your online …

How to Grant Members-Only Discounts on WooCommerce Products?

[divider top=”no” divider_color=”#ffffff” link_color=”#ffffff”]Anna’s Question: “I have a membership site with hundreds of members. I want to offer my members special discounts on other products that I sell in my online WooCommerce store, but I want to be able to apply the discounts only to members, and not to all customers. Is it possible to …